Content Management System – CMS
A content management system is a system that allows a person without knowledge of html or programming languages, to be able to edit and update a web site without the help of a webmaster. A content management system is quite common these days with web sites as the need for anyone to be able to update it is usually desired in order to save constant updating costs. Going back a few years a content management system was usually quite expensive to setup, however thankfully these days they are much cheaper and have an extensive list of features.
Content Management System – CMS
Onpoint Creations are experts when it comes to integrating a content management system into your website, we can do it just as easily if we build the site from scratch or whether you require the content management system to be integrated into your existing site. Because we are web designers we know the best way to build your site into a content management system, and make sure that you get all the benefits out of your content management system that you require.
Typically when we design a content management system, there is a login page that the admin users can use to log into the content management system. Once logged into the content management system they are then provided with a set of tools that allows them to edit, add and remove pages, as well as make other changes, depending on how the content management system was initially setup. All that is required to use the content management system is a computer with a internet connection and a supported web browser, which means you can really edit and update your website from practically anywhere in the world.
To date Onpoint Creations have designed and integrated a content management system into many clients web sites, and have all done so with great success. For every new project that we get, we take the time to research the web site as we know that every single site is different, and no site is integrated into a content management system the same. If you are interested in a content management system for your existing or new web site, please give us a call today on (02) 8060 2993 for a free quote.